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Our team of writers have a breadth of experience they bring our AMR pieces.

Anja Becher profile photo
Science writer

Anja Becher

Anja Becher is a Sydney-based freelance medical writer. She has more than 20 years’ experience writing across a wide range of health topics, including cardiovascular and respiratory medicine, metabolic diseases, gastroenterology and oncology.

As a co-author or acknowledged medical writer, she has also worked on more than 120 peer-reviewed journal articles, including on clinical trials and real-world evidence. Anja was previously an Honorary Associate at Durham University and a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, UK. She holds a PhD in biochemistry.

Science Writer

Emma Berthold

Emma Berthold is a freelance writer, editor and science communicator who specialises in
health, environment and science-meets-culture topics.

She has more than a decade of
experience across a variety of marketing and communications roles spanning not-for-profits,
universities, government, learned academies and online marketing agencies.

Science writer

Federica Conti

Dr Federica Conti is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Sleep and Brain Dynamics at the University of Sydney. She holds a Master of Science in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing from the University of Oxford, UK, and a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Sydney. Federica’s research interests lie at the intersection between sleep, nutrition, and cognition. Federica is also extremely passionate about writing and science communication. By putting pen to paper, she strives to disseminate her scientific knowledge to the general public and hereby raise awareness about important topics related to physical, mental, and cognitive health.

Science writer

Ken Eastwood

Ken Eastwood is a highly experienced, award-winning editor, journalist, author and communicator, with particular expertise in science, agriculture, sustainability and rural affairs.

For the past six years he has been the  Associate Editor of R.M.Williams OUTBACK magazine.  His career has included more than a decade at Australian Geographic, including two years as the Editor, and wide experience editing and writing for medical, science and engineering publications, universities and government departments.

Michelle Fincke profile photo
Science writer

Michelle Fincke

Michelle Fincke is a Melbourne-based freelance journalist and editor. Since starting out at The Herald, she has worked for a range of newspapers and magazines, including as TV editor at The Sun,  Melbourne editor of the Australian Women’s Weekly and deputy editor of The Australian Way for Qantas and editor of the custom titles Fernwood and House. She has covered a wide range of topics across many titles – everything from entertainment to fitness, cardiovascular disease to daily news. She has spent the last two years working with case studies and writing in the public health space.

Science writer

Karen McGhee

Karen McGhee is one of Australia’s most experienced science journalists and editors. She has written for dozens of local and international publications and websites including Scientific American, Nature and Australian Geographic.

Bianca Nogrady profile photo
Bianca Nogrady

Bianca Nogrady

Bianca Nogrady is an award-winning science journalist whose reporting on science, health and the environment has appeared in outlets including the Guardian, Nature, WIRED UK, The Saturday Paper, the British Medical Journal and The Griffith Review. She is the author of books about death, climate change, and sustainability, and a two-time editor of the Best Australian Science Writing anthology.

Rebecca Thorpe author profile photo
Science writer

Rebecca Thorpe

Rebecca Thorpe is a journalist and communications specialist with decades of experience both in Australia and Europe. 

She has enjoyed working with CSIRO, in medical research and in the public health sector advocating for change and the need to listen and act on lived experience, be that the wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through to disabled people and those harmed by the gambling industry. 

Science writer

Asaesja Young

Asaesja Young is an expert in translating complex scientific research into accessible information for the
public, with a background in health and science communication, as well as significant experience in government and policy roles. She holds a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Biology and
Public Relations and has occupied key media and policy positions, including with the Premier of Queensland, Queensland’s Health Minister, and Queensland’s Energy Minister. Previously, she
worked as the National Media Manager for CSIRO.