Action &

AMR Action & Insights will explore how we mitigate the impact of antimicrobial resistance in Australia and beyond.

AMR Knowledge Hub

Latest articles:

Pooling resources to ensure antibiotic supply

Securing antibiotic supply chains by working together

Pooling resources with regional neighbours could help manage supply of essential medicines …
Isolation areas in hospitals have a greater financial costs.

The economic cost of AMR in healthcare  

AMR is putting our healthcare system under huge financial strain …
Australia is well-positioned in the global effort to combat AMR.

Australia’s edge: Minimising AMR down under

Australia is well-positioned in the global effort to combat AMR …
Climate change is already causing devastation, such as worsening bushfires and floods, but there are other implications on AMR that may not have been considered.

Is climate change exacerbating AMR?

Higher temperatures, flooding and other natural disasters have implications for AMR …
An infographic style illustration of ESG principles

Why ESG and AMR are closely linked

Can we use environmental, social & governance (ESG) frameworks to understand the risks & opportunities of AMR better? …
Explainer: how does AMR happen?

Explainer: how does AMR happen?

Microbes are survivors, hardwired to fight back against enemies that include antibiotics …

Deaths associated with AMR

per week in Australia – now


decline by 2050


more people by 2050

Health costs

increase globally by 2050

Human health and AMR

Animal health and AMR

Companion animals like dogs and cats are just as susceptible to AMR as their humans
Wastewater pipe opens onto a natural waterway.

One Health

One Health infographic style diagram showing the overlapping sectors of human, animal and environmental health.